We all agree that Big Data is the current buzzword. I remember listening to the Microsoft Research executive at Indocrypt 2009 at INSA, New Delhi, stating that enormous data are being populated, but we do not know what to do with them or something like that.
Last year IIT KGP, ISI Kolkata, and IIMC together started PG Diploma course in Business Analytics, where a student will spend each semester in the three above mentioned Institute campuses and last semester will be project work. Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur Math has opened a new department named Data Science. They are starting new 2-year M. Sc. course in Big Data Analytics in collaboration with TCS strting from this 2016-17. As per their website, it is India's first M.Sc level course in Data Science in collaboration with TCS. The course is designed by TCS. This course is open to male candidtates only as of now. The application for admission is open now.
Also it is very heartening to come to know that a new Research Centre for Algorithm has been proposed in RKMVU under Computer Science Department where many peer academicians of Algorithms have been assembled already and moving towards excellence for sure.