Thursday, July 7, 2011

2-Day CU-ISI Tutorial Workshop on Cryptology for Students

2-Day Tutorial Workshop on Cryptology, jointly organized by Calcutta University and Centre of Excellence in Cryptology, Indian Statistical Institute, is going to held during July 16 – 17, 2011 at Calcutta University. No registration fee is required. Undergraduate & Postgraduate students of Science and Engineering are the main target audience of this workshop. However, willing research scholars and faculties are also invited to attend. For detail please visit

The format of Registration Form can be seen from the link
To register, all intending participants have to pre-register by sending an email to Dr. Amlan Chakrabarti, Convener, CU-ISI Tutorial Workshop on Cryptology at the e-mail id: by July 12, 2011 incorporating ALL the information sought in the Registration Form in the body of the e-mail. No attachments will be entertained. Registration will be confirmed through e-mail.

Detail Technical Program has been provided in the link -

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Youth Training Camp and Talk by Swami Sunisthananda-ji Maharaj

Udbodhan Parivaar, Chakdwipa High School, Haldia, in association with Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark, organized it's annual Youth Training Camp on 3rd April 2011 at Barghasipur High School premises.

Swami Sunisthananda-ji Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission Midnapore stimulated the youths by his heart-touching speech. He touched the following topics:

Difficulties of Mind Concentration/Meditation: -Maharaj-ji explained it nicely with an stroy. An wandering monk had come to a village. An grocery shop owner prayed the monk for the initiation. After initiation the monk told his disciple to practice the meditation everyday. After a gap of 10-12 years, the monk visited the village again. The grocery shop owner said to his gurudev that the meditation has helped him much. Earlier he couldn't remember all the credits he used to give to his customers.Now whenever he sits for meditation he remembers all the customers who has taken credit from him!Meditation helps to keep the body and mind calm. It not only helps in improving studies but also helps to transform the character.

Why should the students go to school regularly:-Often we can see in our surroundings that many students do not go to schools regularly, and yet they get good marks in examination. So what is the need for going to school? Maharaj-ji explained this with an example.In the early childhood a baby tries to take , to see and touch everything. The baby doesn't hate anything. The baby feels oneness with everything around. This is diffused consciousness. In this state the baby is always glad. We the elders try to introduce the child with her/his name, world around us (narrow surroundings). After some period, the child doesn't feel oneness with everything.The utility of schooling is to make us adjustable with the bigger world.

Usefulness of Soft Skills :- Good values are like dew drops of Autumn season. We could not see when do good values are imbibed within us. It helps us to adjust with the people in our surroundings. Maharaj-ji quoted Shri Maa - "jekhane jemon sekhane temon, jaake jemon taake temon". The students after completing their courses, get hired by companies for their technical skills. But some of them may be fired for their lack of soft skills.

Sufferings in Life :-Maharaj-ji told a story. When he was in Deoghar Vidyapith, one experiment was conducted in an an science exhibition. A vermi (kencho) was placed in a T shaped hollow glass. In one branch of T shaped pot food for vermi was there. A very very mild electricity was in contact with the food. And in another branch, it was empty. The vermi everytime goes towards the food and used to get the mild shock of electricity. It never goes to the empty sidle of the T shaped glass. The aim of experiment was to establish the fact that the vermi does not possess memory.Although we, the human being, have memory. We commit the same mistakes even after repeated sufferings. We do not learn from mistakes.Swami Saradananda-ji Maharaj was asked after his first speech in USA: What is life ? He replied: Life is a chain of experiences. Immediately, the next question was followed. What is the aim of life? The swami replied: To learn form these experiences.

Consumerimsm and its Evil :-What do we see in advertisements TV channels? A man/woman possesses new car, new home etc. People are doing business by exposing our weakness. If our complexion is dark then use a particular cream, if we don't have lengthy hair then use a particular hair oil. To impress people in our surroundings use byke/car/deodrant...If we live without any control we have to suffer accordingly. If we bite a chilly, we have to feel the hot.Suppose two people stay together. One has got cough and cold, but the other has not. Why? Because they differ in their resistance power. So, what is needed to save from consumerism is to increase the resistance power.When Swamiji was talking about renunciation, a listener interrupted him in between and wondered whether Swamiji has come from the time of medieval period. Swamiji repleid: "Prattle babes prattle. Yours is just 200 years of civilization. Have a civilization as old as ours, then you will understand true significance of renunciation."

Swami Sunisthananda-ji tells about a documentary, available in Internet, "Two Million Minutes". It is a documentary on education. Two million minutes of time is approximately the time period from class IX to class XII.The film compares 3 students - one from USA, another from India, and the other from China. The documentary is about how these students spend the most precious moments in their schooling for shaping their future career. The story is somewhat summarized as below:

American Student: Dreams to study in MIT. But he studies only during school hour. Rest of the time he enjoys. After 4 years he performs very poorly. He takes admission in a local college. But he is happy.

Indian Student: Dreams to study in IIT. Study is not limited to school hour. Studies in home also.

After 4 years, he could not get admission in IIT. But got admission in a very good Institute. He is happy with his achievement.

Chinese Student: Dreams to study in top most Institute. His life style is similar to Indian. Studies beyond school hour also. He got admission to in a good Institute. He is also happy with it.

At the end, the question is asked in the film is : US students, what is your future?US government is very serious about the fact that almost all good posts are being occupied by Indian or Chinese there.

Change Myself :-Sunisthanandaji maharaj continues. Thakur has said "Chaitanya hok". Consciousness be awakened. Swamiji has said: "manush chai, baaki sob hoiaa jaaibe". Only requirement is real man. Rest things will be followed.There must be balance between head and heart. We have to take the life positively. He who has faith on himself can do anything in life. There is nothing which man can not achieve.Then Maharaj-ji gave a real example. In every school there is annual sports and cultural program. In class V, almost all students participate. But when the students reach in class IX, the number of participants decline heavily.I am thinking that I can not achieve - It's SIN. The moment you say and believe that you can - really, you will get the power or strength to achieve.Maharaj-ji continues, the great dancer Sudha Chandran was asked about her success despite the fact that she is handicapped. Sudha Chandran replied: The society is handicapped. Society is telling that you can not achieve.The British had introduced this negative education for their convenience to rule our country.Swamiji has said: "tomra amrit-er sontaan" You all are divine.The word sin is sIn. Let the letter I be kept aside. Make this 'I' smaller. Then there will be no sin. Let us follow Thakur, Maa, and Swamiji. We will be in glad always.

In the Q&A session there was a nice question by a student: What is fate? Maharaj-ji gave a very beautiful reply. He told a story. That in one morning we one person is not able to walk properly. It was apparent that he is drunk. But he actually had a very small amount of drink in the morning. That was not that much so that he can not walk properly. Then?

The person had already drinks of several rounds in last night. That's why a single round of drink in the morning has made him like that.

Similarly, when we see that a person is doing goods in studies with little efforts - we say he/she is fortunate. It's not that. He/she has already given necessary efforts in previous birth(s). So that in this life, with litle effort only he/she is getting success.

We all have to do give our whole hearted efforts. We will get the result sooner or later.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Network Simulator Workshop / NS2 Workshop

In 2011, there were few good workshops on NS2 till date. It seems VIT, Vellore often organizes workshop on NS2 regularly. My friend Shine V J also told me that he attended one such workshop, and it was very helpful.

Information about those events and about their resource persons can be found in the following links:

An Update:
Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology and Management(DIAT), Durgapur, West Bengal is going to organize an Workshop on Simulation of Computer Networks using NS2 Simulator during 30th – 31st July 2011.

The brochure can be downloaded from the link -

The resource persons are: Prof. T S Pradeep Kumar, VIT University (Chennai Campus), and
Prof. Sajal Mukhopadhyay, NIT, Durgapur.

Another Update:
CSE Dept of ISM Dhanbad is going to organize an workshop on
Network Protocols and their Simulation using NS-2/ NS-3 during 19-23 August, 2015. The detail can be found in the link

Passing Out Students 2011

26th May was the last paper for B.Tech 8th semester examination of WBUT. I was in invigilation in one such room (2102) of our institute. The moods of students were liking getting the so much freedom after prolonged wait...

I started teaching this batch of CSE (batch 2) in 5th sem, and then in 6th sem too. Anything first is always memorable. The batch was good too. Few students came to meet us...

Many of them have secured good jobs. We believe rest of them would get jobs very soon..

Wish all of my students All The Best...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Centre of Excellence in Cryptology at ISI Kolkata

ISI has recently opened a Centre of Excellence in Cryptology ( ) . The ISI website has put up an advertisement for the recruiting upto seven project-linked temporary posts.
The URL is

Friday, March 25, 2011

national pollution and climate control organization

National Pollution and Climate Control Organization is NOT Government of India organization.

It is a registered society(as claimed by them in the website, last visited 25.03.2011 12:10 PM) .

Various NGOs, club, etc they enroll their name as registered society under Society Registration Act.